What is the Insurance Brokers Code of Practice? 

EBM CoverLink subscribes to the 2022 Insurance Brokers Code of Practice (the Code).

The Code demonstrates the Australian insurance broking industry’s professional commitment to its clients, prospective clients, and other parties with whom brokers interact in performing services.

The Code introduces a set of guiding principles and describes key service standards that clients can expect from brokers, as well as an overview of the complaints and disputes handling process. The Code has been specifically developed by the National Insurance Brokers Association (NIBA) to be a user-friendly and helpful tool for both insurance brokers and their clients.

EBM CoverLink supports the Code and are responsible for ensuring our team members comply with the Code when they are acting on your behalf.

Code Principles

As Subscribers to the Code, we commit to the Code Principles and the standards expressed in the Code as follows:

(a) Professional commitment 

(i) We will ensure we and our team members maintain and improve our competency through relevant qualifications, continued education and training.

(ii) We will promote and uphold the ethical standards of this profession, including promoting the Code and the Code Principles within and outside our organisations.

(b) Ethical behaviour

(i) We, our team members, and representatives will act honestly and with integrity in all dealings.

(ii) We will comply with all relevant laws and obligations, including those obligations set out in this Code.

(iii) We will not engage in any conduct with the intent to avoid or limit our obligations under the Code.

(c) Transparency and accountability

(i) We will communicate with clients and prospective clients in a clear and timely manner.

(ii) We will assist regulators, the Insurance Brokers Code Compliance Committee and external dispute resolution schemes (such as the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA)) to the best of our ability.

(iii) We will hold each other accountable for the promotion and implementation of the Code, and for observing Code obligations.

Please refer to the Code for further information on what to expect from a broker throughout the client journey. The Code sets out brokers’ commitments to clients and is aimed at helping them understand their rights under the Code.

What is the General Insurance Code of Practice? 

The General Insurance Code of Practice sets out the standards that general insurers must meet when providing service to their clients.

The Code applies to all insurers who have adopted it. An organisation may adopt the Code if the organisation is a member of the Insurance Council of Australia; a general insurer; or approved by the Insurance Council of Australia.

EBM CoverLink supports and encourages adoption of the Code by all our Brokers. Click here to view a copy of the Code. 

How to report a concern 

If you have a complaint in relation to EBM CoverLink’s covered services, please contact us and we will address it with a view of resolving promptly. More information about our complaints and disputes resolution process is available here. 

You can refer alleged breaches of the Code to the Insurance Brokers Code Compliance Committee for investigation:  

Email: info@codecompliance.org.au 

Telephone: 1800 931 679 (free call within Australia) 

Mail: PO Box 14240, Melbourne  VIC  8001 

For more information on how to report a concern, please click here.